Decorative rugs

Distinguished Decorative Compositions 🌟

Discover an exclusive collection of tailor-made rugs and personalized creations, exhibited with passion by Mood Creation'S.

Independent artist , I bring to life decorative pieces that transcend the ordinary. Coming from my deepest inspirations, merging a refined aesthetic with a captivating message , each rug transmits a story and intense emotions.

These original, unique and meticulously handcrafted creations with bursts of vibrant colors offer a captivating visual experience with Mood Creation'S distinctive signature.

Find THE rug that will enhance your interior among this inspiring diversity. Make your space a unique place of expression with these creations, designed to enhance and brighten up your daily life.

Certificat d'Authenticité 📜

✍️ Chaque tapis est accompagné d'un certificat d'authenticité, garantissant son caractère unique, sa fabrication artisanale et sa valeur artistique, conçu exclusivement par mes soins.